Explore The Universe

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Space Cowboy's Workshop

Yes. Even though you can't see it here, this show will mostly be produced in a sci-fi garage themed after Doctor Who's Tardis. Where better to explore the universe from than in a space-warped garage?

This show will be produced in Temecula, California, and eventually feature readings of science fiction short stories, story previews, astronomy news, science fiction entertainment news, and more. It will also host a podcast and videocast.

We hope to have guests, and we'll be starting a local science fiction readers group.

Space Cowboy will be seeking original works of science fiction from un-published or self-published authors to read three-chapter excerpts from. Authors who submit stories for readings will have their short stories or books permanently linked on this site.

If the show proves to be successful in the long term, we'll seek a full book to read as our Summer blockbuster. We'll call it the Summer Blaster.

Keep those hyperdrives hot!

Space Cowboy

Monday, June 20, 2016

We're Still Just Building The Rocket, But Soon It Will Blast Off!

The Space Cowboy Show is going to be tons of fun, but we have a lot of setup to do before we really get it rolling. Look for lots of changes and updates over the next few weeks. We'll let you know when the countdown begins!

Hmmm...Rocket Johnny, you want to pass me that bucket of dilithium crystals?

Alright folks, keep your shields up, and your warp drives hot!

The Space Cowboy